

Monday, May 30, 2011

We are at the bog all week this week! Bog buddy program schedule


Our Schedule:

Tuesday:  Bog Rehearsal.

Thursday, June 2 : Bog Buddy:  timing includes set up and clean up. Please be prompt!

Bog Buddy period 2 biology for James Crisp's class, 10:00 to 12:00.
Monday, June 6: Bog Buddy period 1 biology class for Ms. Cultum's class, 9:15 to 10:15! 


Iesha and Nick
William Lin, Xing, Ashley Zheng
Vincent, Jefferson Victor
Melissa, Jessica and Jade
Yu jin Chung, Daniel, Andrew M, David
Stewart, Marlee,
Eben, Kayvon.
Travis, Matt, Jodie 


Max and Tom
Laurence Tyler Kan
Anna Justin W and s
Winnie mimi and Darren, Tracey
Aari James Chris collin, Philipe
Justin Lee Brett Hastyn
Ashley linley, Katrina

Copy and paste this itiniary:  We will rehearse on Tuesday for both classes.  Have your flash cards and story and game prepared and waterproofed!  The classes will be in groups of 8.  I may have to split up some of our groups so have an extra copy of your story/flashcards just in case!


Camosun bog Stations:  five minutes each station:  2 minutes for change over

STORY STATION:  Each group will start at a different station.  Before we begin our stations, you can tell your story or narrative about the bog.  Your story book should be waterproof!

Station 1 From the Drain and entrance:
  1. show one of the drains that drained the bog at the entrance.
  2. Identify species in this area.  You should quiz them on invasives and native bog species.  Camosun bog has natives and invasives.  The natives are good for the bog and the invasives are not.  Native bog helps to fight global warming by absorbing all the carbon dioxide and locking it up for thousands of years.  Bogs are very important.  Use your flashcards.
  3.  Invasives include:  skunk cabbage, salal, huckleberry and blueberry and fern, salmonberry. See if they can tell the difference between huckleberry and blueberry. Huckleberries have squared stems and blueberry have rounded ones. Play a little game: point to plants and see if they can identify them
  4. natives include:  Sphagnum moss, Labrador tea, kalmia, lodgepole pine (or pinus contorta) arctic starflower, bunchberry
Station 2:  jumping station:
  1. This area was fully invaded by forest plants.  It used to be bog but now it is a forest.  This forest is sitting on top of old, dead moss from 5000 years ago.  The trees fall down easily because they are rooted in moss, which is springy.  The ground is very springy here.  It’s like a mattress.  Lets jump on the forest floor!
  2. Identify the species in this forested area: (there are no bog natives in this area)
  3. invasives include:  fern, hemlock, blueberry and huckleberry, salal.  How many plants can each person in your group identify?    Did you know that Hemlock needles make good tea?  It tastes lemony and it provides vitamin C.  The west coast native people shared hemlock tea with European explorers. 
Station 3:  Artifacts:
  1. This area shows a cleared area of the bog.  On one side is a forest, on the other side, you can see peat planted with sphagnum moss.  Peat is actually dead moss, but, unlike other dead plants, it does not decay.  That’s because moss creates very acidic conditions that tends to preserve things, like how pickle juice preserves pickles.  You could say everything that falls in a bog becomes pickled. Over the years, things have fallen into the bog.  Here, you can show photos of some things the bog restorers have found
Station 4:  True Bog
  1. This area shows a truly restored portion of the bog.  This bog began to form 8000 years ago after the ice melted from the last ice age.  First it was a lake, then a swamp and finally, sphagnum moss made it into a bog.  The bog was very big and 3000 years ago, native people from the Musqueam nation gathered food and medicine here.  Can you tell the difference between Labrador tea and kalmia?  One is medicine, the other is poisonous.
  2. Then Vancouver decided to install drains and within 100 years, other plants invaded the bog
  3. Luckily the Camosun bog restoration group is here every Saturday to help the bog species survive.  This is what they do:  They take off the top 10 cm of soil to go down to the new water level.  Moss needs water to survive.  Then, they plant bog species. 
  4. On one side of the boardwalk, you see bog species:  on the other, you see the invaders.   See if you can identify them (see the list in station 1)
Station 5
  1. Food station:  Have a vaccinium snack:  Vaccinium is the genus name for many berries:  blueberry, cranberry and huckleberry are all genus vaccinium! 
Station 6:  How deep is the bog?
1.  Our bog is very very old.  More than 5000 years old.  It is mainly made of moss and new moss grows on top of old moss in many layers.  If you dig into the bog, you are going back in time.  How deep do you think this bog is?  Multiple choice:  A.  As tall as a PW student?                  B. as tall as a fellow younger student?  As tall as a house?  As tall as the elementary school?  The answer is 5m or about as tall as a two story house! (1 floor and a half to be exact!)
2.  You can put a stick into the bog.  Let’s see how deep it goes!

Station 7:  Devil’s hole:  microscope work
  1. Devil’s hole is very very deep.  As deep as 5m.  It has some creatures living in it.  Would you like to take a look at them?  The “grass”  you see is actually juncus, a plant that can be used to clean sewage.  There are lily pads in Devil’s hole, and sometimes, frogs sitting on them!
  2. Give them a fun quiz and demonstrate what they know!