

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Case Studies exercise, a group activity

 These case studies prepare you to do the outbreak activity 

CENTRE FOR DISEASE CONTROL  CASE STUDIES                             

CREATE DISEASE SUMMARY SHEETS WHICH INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION in pen. Each worth 15 marks total of 45 marks.  You may work in a group. 

1. case study: covid 19 on a cruise ship in Japan
article on cruise ship in Japan


2. case study: Ebola outbreak in North America
watch the video first

3.  Case study: Measles in BC, a resurgence of an old disease

and a summary of BC CDC response:

NAMES of group_________________

Name of disease:
Symptoms of the disease: ( 2 marks )

Age, sex and other details of the certain victims who are mentioned in the articles above 
 ( 3 marks )

Possible disease vectors, consider multiple vectors:  (2 marks)             
         Human contact
                  Blood, mucous, saliva,
                  Feces, sexual contact 

Give  Evidence of this disease vectors                                                                     
(3 marks)

List the major events of the outbreak and the response of CDC in the order that it took place:  

Using clear drawings in ink and colour   highlight the major events.  List measures taken  to contain the outbreak successfully.   

(5 marks)

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Today, you will do the Roundworm activity

Dear Biology 11s, I will be away today and hope to be back tomorrow to do our open book test on disease outbreaks.  Meanwhile, I will ask that you finish a teams assignment on Roundworms (in the thread below).  There are actual preserved specimens that accompany this activity in the locked cabinet at the back of the class. I will take these out to show you next day!  

Ms. Ng

Round worms

view the presentation on  Nematoda

Watch the video of the Guinea worm, Dracunculus medinensis

New York Times Interview of The Guinea Worm Slayer

Comparing parasites ASSIGNMENT:  20 marks: 
1. Create a venn diagram which compares and contrasts platyhelminthes and nematoda. Use the vocab from the nematoda presentation.  Make it in pen and in colour.  Draw your favourite parasite and tell me why it is your favourite. (5 marks)
2. Write a one page summary of the video and the interview in pen. (5 marks)   
3.Draw a pamphlet which educates people on how to avoid the Guinea worm in colour. (10 marks)


Several Children in Vancouver were sent to your clinic with the following symptoms: In each case:


Examine the specimen and attempt to identify the organism.  What phylum of parasitic worm do you think this is?  Furthermore, give evidence for your diagnosis and offer a course of action to cure the patient and prevent further infestation: Also, devise a method to contain any possibility of outbreak.


  1. Kitty Pride is a young woman who lives in a mansion in Southlands in a special School for gifted youth.  She was experiencing abdominal symptoms of bloating and cramping, and enteritis in general.  She also noticed that she has been feeling unusually anemic, lately. Blood work indicates an elevated white cell count. Sample C was found in her stool sample


  1. Walt Chan is a two year old boy, with  two sisters and a pit bull .  He is an active toddler who likes to play in the outdoors.  Walt has recently developed enteritis of unknown origin.  His symptoms included bloating, cramping (which made him cry at night) and mild “car sickness” symptoms.  When Walt went in for blood tests, his white blood cell count was found to be elevated, particularly his eosinophils.  Furthermore, a stool sample yielded the specimen A. 


  1. Vince Man is a two year old boy who lives in Kerrisdale.  Vince is an active toddler who loves to play in the outdoors.  He lives with his parents but is cared for by his grandmother who loves to cook traditional northern Chinese food for him.  Vince goes to a daycare part time where he plays with other children ranging from age 1-3.  Vince began getting unusual enteritis with an elevated white blood cell count.  His grandma was horrified one day to find sample Z in his stool.


  1.   Sebastien Slartibartfast is a two year old boy who lives in Kerrisdale.  Sebastien has been complaining of an itchy bum for several weeks.  His scratching is beginning to damage his skin and rectum.He is an only child with many pets: a hamster, a cat and two zebra finches.  Sebastien also attends a daycare that  admits children ages 0 to 3.  Sample E (sample D) was found in Sebastien’s stool sample.  Sebastien’s Dad has noticed that he has similar symptoms as Sebastien. (itchiness).  Sample B was found in his stool.



Another view of sample C is here the ruler is in cm



Drawing of your specimen is clear, labelled      10

Write up is logical and you back up your claims with evidence:   13-15 out of 15

You correctly identify your specimen but it appears that you guessed, because you offer only some evidence  8-10/15

You correctly identify the specimen but offer no evidence           5/15


Total :  25


Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Flat worms and Parasites

 Review my slideshow on flatworms and parasites

And take a look at this video of a liver fluke:
This liver fluke parasite was found inside a 20 year old man who complained of abdominal pain

Assignment 6  - 10 marks
Summarize the key ideas (see vocab words) in a one page drawing or poem or interview a flatworm.
Watch the Shape of Life Video on flatworms. Platyhelminthes,
the first hunter:

Animalia assignment   7 -  10 marks 
Answer the  questions below and present your answers in the form of a one page drawing cartoons or a rhyming poem or a sound file of a podcast

 Review my slideshow on flatworms and parasites
1. demonstrate your understanding of these key words 
a. Platyhelminthes
b. Cephalization
c. Coelom
d. Acoelomate, EucoelomatePsuedocoelomate.  What is the difference between these terms?
e. Turbellaria
f. Planaria
g. Parasite
h. Definitive host
i. intermediate host
j. Cestoda - Tapeworm
k. Trematoda - Fluke

2. How do Turbellarians reproduce?
3.  What is the evolutionary significance of flatworms? In particular, they have three characteristics  that make them unique in simple animals. They were the first animals to...
4. Flatworms are amazing at regeneration.  Some can even remain alive after you cut off their head. include a short summary of this article in your work.
These Decapitated Worms Regrow Old Memories

5.   Demonstrate your familiarity with the life cycle of Tape worm or Liver fluke. 
       Watch the Shape of Life Video on Tapeworms

6. Read about how a tapeworm can control the host's behaviour
Mind control from beyond the host


8-10    you demonstrate a thorough and excellent grasp of the concept and your work shows care and creativity

6-7       you summarize the main  concepts

2-5.      you make a good start but your work is incomplete. 



Monday, January 18, 2021

Cnidaria, the first moving animal


Read the Cnidaria section of these notes
Read the  Cnidaria notes on these  slides

Choice A:  Write a script of a reality TV show.   What does a Cnidaria do all day?  There are three main Cnidarians:  Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa and Anthozoa.  Interview one example of each type of Cnidarian like you would for a crazy reality TV show script.  Include the major points in the Cnidaria notes and Cnidaria intro video. Come up with a really really good title that'll make someone want to watch your show!

Choice B: HOCKEY CARD ASSIGNMENT: Imagine that a class of Cnidaria is like a hockey team.
Create three hockey cards each representing  one team member : one hydrozoan, one scyphozoan and one anthozoan.
write the stats on your three cnidaria and a picture.  You may draw the cnidarian or upload a pic.  Use all the key words and major points from the Cnidaria notes and Cnidaria intro video.

Assignment criteria
20 - your project really stands out for excellence
18-19 - your project includes the details in the Intro video,  these notes and these  slides.  It is creative and shows that thought was put into the final product.  It is well put together (if it is a drawing, it is in ink and colour).   If it is writing, it is well written

15-17. This is a really great concept and you include most of the details on Cnidarians in the notes and slides.  You do very impressive work.  If it is a drawing, it is well done, but not in ink or colour.  If it is written, there are minor spelling and grammatical errors but it is still very engaging to read

11-13. This is a great start to a great project.  It includes the main points but maybe it is not covered in depth.  You probably should have spent a little more time on this before handing it in.

5-10. This project is a good start but it was incomplete. 

Watch the Shape of Life video on Cnidaria.

This video gives an evolutionary context for Cnidaria.
Cnidaria were the first animal to develop a mouth, stomach, muscles and nerves.  They also developed the ability to stun prey.  Further, they developed the ability to swim.  

USING THE KEY IDEAS AND Key words in the video,  create an ANALOGY of a cnidarian.   
Choice A: You can write your analogy in form of a one page scary story, or a one page children's story or fairy tale
Choice B: Or you can draw your analogy and explain how your cnidarian is kind of like a...something...

Assignment 5 criteria
20 - your project really stands out for excellence
18-19 - your project includes the details in the Shape of Life video.   It is creative and shows that thought was put into the final product.  It is well put together (if it is a drawing, it is in ink and colour).   If it is writing, it is well written

15-17. This is a really great concept and you include most of the details on Cnidarians in the notes and slides.  You do very impressive work.  If it is a drawing, it is well done, but not in ink or colour.  If it is written, there are minor spelling and grammatical errors but it is still very engaging to read

11-13. This is a great start to a great project.  It includes the main points but maybe it is not covered in depth.  You probably should have spent a little more time on this before handing it in.

5-10. This project is a good start but it was incomplete. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


We will sample bacteria from around our school. 


Create a hypothesis about what area of the school will yield the fastest growing bacteria and the most number of colonies.

Use agar plates and q-tips to sample different surfaces around our school.  Store the plates UPSIDEDOWN in a secure location in the classroom.  Note where you found the sample

 Next, create a data table showing in the following columns

1.  names
2.  a. location of sample
2.b. is this a high traffic location for human contact?
2c.  is this a dry, sticky, wet, warm, cold location, or don't know?


3.a count the number of colonies
3b.  and their relative size of colonies (estimate size of each dot or circle diameter based on petri dish size
4.  colour of colonies
5.  Any mold sample?

Note that a nil result tells you something too!

1. Tell me some patterns that you are noticing in the collection of these samples.
2. Which locations are yielding the most samples.
3.Why might some samples yield more bacteria or faster growing bacteria?
4. What are some limitations of this study and some sources of experimental error?

Write a well reasoned conclusion based on your observations.


presentation is out of 5.  for 5/5 it is typed  with illustrations or photos and emailed to for 4/5 it is pretty good but there are a few spelling mistakes.  for 0-3 out of 5 it is in pencil or messy.  

Clear writing is out of 10.  for 9/10 or 10/10, it is written with no English mistakes and it clearly communicates each part of the lab report.    7-8/10  it is very well written     for 5-6/10 some parts are not so clear and the reader must guess what you are trying to say.  0-4/10, it is minimally communicating what happened

Paragraphs are insightful and your observations are well done. this is out of 10.
             9-10/10,   your observations and conclusions are well written and logical.  It is brilliant
              7-8/10   your observations and conclusions are very well done
               5-6   your conclusions don't really logically follow from your results
                0-4   your conclusions are not relating to your results at all

write all names and who contributed what including the % of their contribution. so two people who contributed equally would be50%

Monday, January 11, 2021

Geological Time Lab

 We will go over these slides on Geological Time 

And this is some background info on how fossils are formed. please do this worksheet    using the link here for finding the answers


Station 1 . Three drawings  

Draw two samples of Sandstone rock and one sample of shale.
  Answer the following questions
1.  How is sandstone formed?  Explain how a fossil might be formed in Sandstone
2.  How is shale  formed?  Explain how a fossil can form in shale

Station 2.  Known Fossils 14 drawings . 
Draw 7 fossils and also draw their 7 modern day equivalents.  Label the drawings with the descriptions shown

Draw 7 fossils from this box and also draw the organism it came from using an internet search.  Tell me what era it came from as well as its environmental conditions.  for example, if your fossil is a SHARK TOOTH, then the organism it comes from is a SHARK and it's environment is marine.

Station 3.  UNKNOWN FOSSILS 7 drawings
CHOOSE 7 fossils to identify.  Draw them and give evidence that you can identify the fossil using the known fossils.

EVALUATION.   34 marks total

fossil worksheet 10 marks - you completed the fossil worksheet and uploaded it with your NAME on it

lab portion total 24 marks 
21-24 marks - you make excellent drawings of the fossils which are in colour and carefully done.  Your work is outstanding. 
 3 drawings for station 1
14 drawings for station 2 and 
7 drawings for station 3. 
 You complete all your observations.    

16-20 - you completed all the drawings and it is not in colour .  Your drawings look great.  Or, you have beautiful drawings but did not complete all the drawings for each station.  

10-14 - This looks great and you need to complete the work
0-9 - this work is incomplete. 

Monday, January 4, 2021

MICROBIOLOGY, an introduction to viruses

This is an Introduction to Microbiology Notes, which cover Virus, and Monerans, with a mention of unicellular fungi.  Read this document as an overview. 
Viruses can infect cells using the LYTIC CYCLE.  

Review the 

  • Attachment
  • Entry & degradation of host's DNA
  • Synthesis of new viruses 
    • duplication of virus' genetic material
    • creation of new virus parts
  • Assembly of parts into new viruses
  • Release of new viruses

 video shows lytic cycle

 steps to the lysogenic cycle:  memorize AEIM
  • Attachment
  • Entry (no degradation of host DNA)
  • Integration using integrase enzyme
  • Mitosis
    • Host+virus DNA duplicated
    • cytokinesis
  • A virus that uses the lysogenic life cycle is termed either a provirus or prophage. What causes various proviruses to shift to the lytic cycle is not completely understood, but in some cases stress is the stimulus.

COVID-19 is a virus that undergoes a lytic cycle, but it does not explode cells, instead, it simply gets released from a cell

MICROBIOLOGY ASSIGNMENT 1 What is a virus?  out of /10 
make a creative summary of the  Introduction to Viruses .  This summary must include the lytic cycle  and the lysogenic cycle as it is described in the videos above and also in this text   Viruses can infect their hosts.  

MICROBIOLOGY ASSIGNMENT 2 How does Covid-19 infect a human?     out of /10 
Watch the video above and explain how covid-19 infects a human body. Create a creative summary to describe it

MICROBIOLOGY ASSIGNMENT 3 Evolution and Covid 19.  out of /10 
Review the notes on natural selection, and watch the video on finches below
Read these two articles and create a creative summary explaining how covid-19 mutated through Natural Selection.  Your summary must clearly explain the main points of the articles as well as include the following vocab terms:
natural selection, random mutation, spike protein, ace2 receptor, transmission, replication

CREATIVE SUMMARY CRITERIA. You may make a cartoon, a poem, an interview or podcast

10 points:  cartoon is brilliant, it stands out, it summarizes the main points in a creative format, it is inked and in colour

8-9:  your cartoon is excellent and includes all the main points. inked and in colour

5-7 your cartoon is complete it may not be inked or in colour
1-4 your cartoon is incomplete

10 points: your poem is brilliant and it rhymes and it includes all key points. it stands out
8-9:  your poem is really excellent and it rhymes and includes all key points.
6-7 - your poem doesn't rhyme but it includes all key points.
1-4 your work is incomplete.

10 points - your podcast is humorous, engaging and includes all the key points, it stands out
8-9:  your podcast is really excellent engaging and includes all key points.
6-7 - your podcast  includes all key points.
1-4 your work is incomplete.

CREATIVE SUMMARY CRITERIA. You may make a cartoon, a poem, an interview or podcast

10 points:  cartoon is brilliant, it stands out, it summarizes the main points in a creative format, it is inked and in colour

8-9:  your cartoon is excellent and includes all the main points. inked and in colour

5-7 your cartoon is complete it may not be inked or in colour
1-4 your cartoon is incomplete

10 points: your poem is brilliant and it rhymes and it includes all key points. it stands out
8-9:  your poem is really excellent and it rhymes and includes all key points.
6-7 - your poem doesn't rhyme but it includes all key points.
1-4 your work is incomplete.

10 points - your podcast is humorous, engaging and includes all the key points, it stands out
8-9:  your podcast is really excellent engaging and includes all key points.
6-7 - your podcast  includes all key points.
1-4 your work is incomplete.