

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Disease vectors notes and activity. View slide notes and also try out the case studies for homework. Finally, finish up that microbiology worksheet

slideshow on disease for our Centre for Disease Control activity:  

Some useful links below for more info:

Very generalized differences between viral and bacterial infections

A list of bacterial pathogens and viral pathogens (note the error under viral pathogens: botulism is not a viral disease - gov't of australia website made a mistake here!). some of the pathogens are particular to Australia, but others are common worldwide (such as measles, meningitis, salmonella, influenza).  These sites are easy to navigate.

 a more comprehensive list of viral pathogens .  this list is undergraduate level.

Airborne Diseases

            Preventing airborne diseases case study: a viral airborne disease (SARS)

Managing an airborne disease case study:  a bacterial airborne disease (TB)


dine safe website: a comprehensive list of health inspection reports for any restaurant!

Animal vector:
            Vertebrates mainly :

Insect vector: note only the ones caused by virus and bacteria:


Friday, January 22, 2016

Quiz on viruses, know these terms.

What are four main types of microbes?
Name the parts of a virus
Explain what is meant by the species specific nature of virus
What is a  lytic virus, definition, examples
What is a lysogenic virus, definition, examples
Herpes simplex is lysogenic.  What can cause it to come out of dormancy?
Explain the term: immuno-privileged site.  Why do we even have immune -privileged sites

To do the worksheet up to number 17: use these notes
Introduction to Microbiology Notes

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Edits to our microbiology notes: addendum for vocab

IMMUNOPRIVILEGED SITE - a part of the mammalian body which does not admit the immune cells because if it did, then the damage to the body part would be worse than being infected.

examples of immunoprivileged sites:  
 2. UTERUS during pregnancy

lytic cycle animation and summary

the following notes are copyright to Zack Smith and retrieved from https://firmitas.org/Viruses.html

  • Attachment
  • Entry & degradation of host's DNA
  • Synthesis of new viruses 
    • duplication of virus' genetic material
    • creation of new virus parts
  • Assembly of parts into new viruses
  • Release of new viruses

steps to the lysogenic cycle:  memorize AEIM
  • Attachment
  • Entry (no degradation of host DNA)
  • Integration using integrase enzyme
  • Mitosis
    • Host+virus DNA duplicated
    • cytokinesis
  • A virus that uses the lysogenic life cycle is termed either a provirus or prophage. What causes various proviruses to shift to the lytic cycle is not completely understood, but in some cases stress is the stimulus.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Microbiology Introduction

Today you will go over the Introduction to Microbiology Notes, which cover Virus, and Monerans, with a mention of unicellular fungi.  You will also be given our Microbial Wine and Cheese assignment.  due date TBA. You will be given a worksheet to go over the concepts from our notes.  Work through this next period as a review.

Also,  our virus in a box assignment: below:

Make a model of a virus or bacterium of your choice.  Make it out of any material.  It must fit within a shoebox. 

the model:  10
it is complete and presented well: 4
the write up is on the outside of the shoebox:  6 marks:

bonus marks for the best three assignments.

   on the sides of the shoebox: 
side 1:  name of the virus or bacterium and a description
side 2:  disease that it causes in humans
side 3:  what is your name, draw a picture of yourself and describe a disease you had in the past (not the same disease that is in the box.
side 4:  a picture of the virus.