biodiversity evolution ecology bog restoration environmental advocacy sustainable design
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Quarry Rock Hike meet in the classroom November 1, 2017
We are going to the Quarry Rock hike in Deep Cove.
Bring water bottle and food please as this can be a little bit of a work out. We will watch out for bears, cougars and also be mindful of dehydration on this hike
Your completed trip plan is due tomorrow Friday October 27
The route we will take is as follows
1. Walk to Nanaimo Station.
2. Nanaimo Station to waterfront.
3. We will take the Seabus to Lonsdale Quay. Go to Bay 7
4. Then a 239 Capilano U bus to Phibbs Exchange. Go to bay 8. Finally we will go from Phibbs to Deep Cove on the 212 Deep Cove bus.
5. We will go to the Baden Powell trailhead and hike to Quarry rock and do a species inventory
6. Eat lunch
7. walk down and dismissal at 1.30pm at Deep Cove.
You may go home using the same route as we took going there. Take 212 Phibbs Exchange bus, then 239 Park Royal bus and then the Seabus back to Vancouver.