

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Dichotomous Key Practice 5 marks

Today, you will create a dichotomous key for a group of at least 10 or more PLANTS FROM THE SCHOOL GARDEN (2-1)  or everyday objects (2-3)   today for 5 marks.  Hand this in within the class. Create BOTH a spider key and a question key.  And an illustration of each object.

You are to create a dichotomous key for the plants you observe in central park.

Example of a key of just five items.  It shows a SPIDER KEY
and a question key:

Here are some examples of dichotomous keys on line.

Examples of Dichotomous keys:  web
What's That Tree?
Eek! Tree key
Common Trees of the Pacific Northwest

Example of a key that can be printed out
Tree identification key