

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Camosun Bog Project. Start this on Friday. The TOC will assign work period marks

On friday, please show the teacher the work that you are doing on the Camosun bog project.  She will make a list of names and assign you the following marks:
20/20   you worked diligently on some part of the camosun bog project and completed some part of it
15/20   you worked on some part and rested during class too
10/20   you worked maybe half of the time and the other half, you did something else
0/20    you did not work on this project

You will be doing the Camosun Bog Project where we will learn about bog species, and the story of Camosun bog and then we will create a bog tour for elementary students.  Why is a bog important?

Here is the full assignment.  

Get to know the story of the bog here:
A Brief History of Camosun Bog

Draw or photograph  the bog species.
These are divided up into Bog Species and Forest Species.  We will examine bog species in class.

Bonus marks And This is heavy reading (university level):  read and summarize the main points this article in your own words. OR illustrate the main points in a cartoon
Reflections on the Nature of An Urban Bog, by Hermannsen and Wynn