

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Our field trip is postponed to beyond next week. Today you will learn more about plant evolution

1.  Have a look at this plant evolution Powerpoint   And take notes on it.  A worksheet on this is located on the side bench under the windows.  Please do this worksheet.

2.  Begin to take notes on the study materials given out in preparation for a test coming up.  (don't worry, I always give at least a week's notice for this...and I will make sure I answer any questions to clarify any confusion.
3.  Our field trip to Central park is likely going to take place after next week is done.

4.  To all the DON RIX DISTINGUISHED LECTURE people. CONGRATULATIONS, all who signed up from my class are going!   You will need to fill in a photo consent form and you will need to get to the VANCOUVER CONVENTION CENTRE by 3:40 so I will give you and ED for that.
The guest speaker will meet with you and do a special Q AND A just for you!  Furthermore, Genome BC would love to take your handsome and beautiful picture with the guest speaker!

Her bio:
"Inside and out, our bodies host trillions of microscopic organisms comprised of bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses. This is the human microbiota and your microbiome is all the genes your microbiota contains. We share a symbiotic relationship with these organisms and they play an important role in our health and disease.

A pioneer and global leader in genomic medicine, Dr. Claire M. Fraser is one of the most highly cited investigators in microbiology. In 1995, Dr. Fraser was the first to map the complete genetic code of a free-living organism — Haemophilus influenza — the bacterium that causes lower respiratory tract infections and meningitis in infants and young children. She helped launch the new field of microbial genomics and revolutionized the way microbiology has been studied. She and her team also sequenced the bacteria behind syphilis and Lyme disease, as well as the first plant genome and the first human-pathogenic parasite. Her work also helped identify the source of a deadly 2001 anthrax attack in one of the biggest investigations conducted by U.S. law enforcement.

Genome BC is pleased to present Claire M. Fraser as the 2019 Don Rix Distinguished Keynote speaker. Join us as she discusses the structure and function of the human microbiome and the role it plays in health and disease."