

Friday, November 27, 2020

Dear Parents

 in light of our recent covid-19 exposure alert at school, I would like to empathize with you that this is a worrying time.  I know that VCH has already contacted the parents and guardians of the class where the exposure has occurred.  If you have not been contacted, you are not at risk. 

Our school has excellent protocols and in my class, these are the layers of protection, which are similar to many workplaces:

- students wear masks in our school (with very few medical exceptions) and in my class, all wear masks.

- we ask students who are sick to stay home. 

- we avoid physical contact and I encourage students to maintain physical distance

- for many classes, including mine, windows are open at all times, admitting fresh cold air (my students need to wear a coat!).  Students can also request that windows are opened.  

-there are less than 15 students in the class  

I invite my students to come to school , wear a mask, and learn with us. We will get through this together!