

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Intro to Biology 11

 Welcome to  Life Sciences (Biology) 11 

This course is a field course which will cover all the major phyla of life.  It is expected that you will receive most of your course content on line and we will do labs and field study in class.  You will hand in ALL assignments through Microsoft Teams.  Below are your first week of assignments.  

ASSIGNMENT 1. HAND IN YOUR CONSENT FORM  /5. It will give us the ability to walk to Trout Lake or Renfrew Ravine at any time that I announce during the term.   Bring this consent form to class.

evaluation:  5 points for handing this in

in class  activity DEAD OR ALIVE

For your first assignment, I would like you to go outside and find the following objects  Photograph them or draw them and write about them in a little paragraph of no more than a third of a page.  You may answer in the form of a type written response under your photo, OR you may write it out in hand writing and draw your answers. 

1.  Find something dead.  How do you know it is dead? 

2.  find something alive.  What is it about this object that makes it alive?

3.  Find something that has never, ever been alive.  What characteristics does this object have that tells you that it is neither dead nor alive. It is nonliving.

4. Find something that is not alive, but an important PART of something alive.  Explain your answer

5. Look at your responses and ask yourself:  What is the criteria of being alive?