

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

parasitic worm assignment


Several Children in Vancouver were sent to your clinic with the following symptoms: In each case:


Examine the specimen and attempt to identify the organism.  What phylum of parasitic worm do you think this is?  Furthermore, give evidence for your diagnosis and offer a course of action to cure the patient and prevent further infestation: Also, devise a method to contain any possibility of outbreak.


  1. Kitty Pride is a young woman who lives in a mansion in Southlands in a special School for gifted youth.  She was experiencing abdominal symptoms of bloating and cramping, and enteritis in general.  She also noticed that she has been feeling unusually anemic, lately. Blood work indicates an elevated white cell count. Sample C was found in her stool sample


  1. Walt Chan is a two year old boy, with  two sisters and a pit bull .  He is an active toddler who likes to play in the outdoors.  Walt has recently developed enteritis of unknown origin.  His symptoms included bloating, cramping (which made him cry at night) and mild “car sickness” symptoms.  When Walt went in for blood tests, his white blood cell count was found to be elevated, particularly his eosinophils.  Furthermore, a stool sample yielded the specimen A. 


  1. Vince Man is a two year old boy who lives in Kerrisdale.  Vince is an active toddler who loves to play in the outdoors.  He lives with his parents but is cared for by his grandmother who loves to cook traditional northern Chinese food for him.  Vince goes to a daycare part time where he plays with other children ranging from age 1-3.  Vince began getting unusual enteritis with an elevated white blood cell count.  His grandma was horrified one day to find sample Z in his stool.


  1.   Sebastien Slartibartfast is a two year old boy who lives in Kerrisdale.  Sebastien has been complaining of an itchy bum for several weeks.  His scratching is beginning to damage his skin and rectum.He is an only child with many pets: a hamster, a cat and two zebra finches.  Sebastien also attends a daycare that  admits children ages 0 to 3.  Sample E (sample D) was found in Sebastien’s stool sample.  Sebastien’s Dad has noticed that he has similar symptoms as Sebastien. (itchiness).  Sample B was found in his stool.



Another view of sample C is here the ruler is in cm



Drawing of your specimen is clear, labelled      10

Write up is logical and you back up your claims with evidence:   13-15 out of 15

You correctly identify your specimen but it appears that you guessed, because you offer only some evidence  8-10/15

You correctly identify the specimen but offer no evidence           5/15


Total :  25