

Learning blog Evaluation

Your biology learning blog is handed in and the member initials are on each post.

1.  All biology assignments are included in the blog             
2.  Your blog has excellent design.  It is has a great layout,  is visually engaging and graphically pleasing.
3.  Your font is easy to read
4.  Your photos are clear and not blurry and cropped so that your assignments are easy to read

Each item above is out of 5.
4.5-  5 this is excellent and exceeds expectations for quality.  it is complete and fulfills the expectation in depth.  Your quality of content is matched by the quality of presentation.  You draw in ink and colour or your photographs are of high quality and your writing is excellent.

4 - this shows skill and an excellent grasp of the subject matter.  You draw in ink and colour or your photographs are of high quality.  Your writing is excellent.

1-2 - this is a good start and it shows promise, but you need more time to make it really complete

Total points: 20