Trees: Conifers: Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, Yellow Cedar,
Douglas firs are home for douglas squirrels and bats.
Western Red Cedar, Hemlock, Douglas Fir and Yellow cedar are home for barred owl.
Deciduous: Alder, Vine Maple, Big Leaf Maple, birch
All the deciduous trees are home for the flicker and the bushtit and chickadee
Bushes: Salmonberry, Huckleberry (vaccinium parvifolium) , Blueberry (vaccinium ovalifolium) , Salal, red elderberry, holly (invasive) blackerry (invasive)
These berry bushes provide habitat for insects, caterpillars and spiders which are eaten by chickadees and bushtit
groundcover: mosses (mosses, and lichen and spiderwebs are gathered by bushtits to make nests)
ferns : swordfern, bracken fern, deerfern,
OTHER ground cover : skunk cabbage,
vine English Ivy (invasive)
Animals: Mammals: coyote, douglas squirrel, flying squirrel, little brown bat, grey squirrel (invasive), raccoon, rat (invasive),
coyotes eat the small rodents
Birds: black capped chickadee, crow, Northern Flicker or sap sucker, bald eagle, mallard duck, canada goose, Barred owl, sawwhet owl, hummingbirds, bushtit , Heron, more about their diet etc here
hummingbirds eat blueberry nectar and also eat mosquitos.
bushtits eat spiders and use their webs to mae nests
Sapsuckers eat insects
invertebrates: spider, mosquito, bumblebee, honey bees, dragonfly, dragonfly larvae eat mosquito larvae
Reptiles: garter snakes eat tree frogs
Amphibian: pacific tree frog eat mosquitos and are eaten by invasive bullfrogs
Fish: Salmon (are eaten by eagles and their dead bodies feed trees).
NURSE LOG - Dead tree which supports plants
FUNGI: bracket fungi, lichen (found in west coast rainforest),
cattails, juncus, yellow flag iris, alder, Beaver, duck
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