

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Your immune system test

Dear Biology 11s, Your test questions are as folllows: They can be written on the board:

1.  Take 15 minutes to study and then put away your books. Put up the test dividers. Your mobile phone is to be placed far from you in front of you and face down.

2. 10 marks
Choose two of the following questions to answer in detail with illustrations.
  1. summarize how physical barriers can protect your body from foreign cells and how this knowledge can
    protect you from coronavirus
  2. Describe in detail the humoral response
  3. Describe in detail the cell-mediated response
  4. Describe in detail the inflammatory response 
3. 5 marks  Draw and describe what you learned from your reading from the textbook on the immune      system 
4. 5 marks Draw and describe what you learned about Covid 19 in the past two weeks.

Your multiple choice will be given to you after one week after spring break.