

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

My dear Bi 11s, we miss you!

I know this is a difficult time, but I would like you to know that your teachers miss you and care about you.  

For many of us, Gladstone is our favourite school, and many of us have worked at other school sites.  You are kind, caring, smart, with a beautiful spirit and we are inspired by your presence at Gladstone. 

We can't be on site, but we can be together again in a virtual learning community!  Please  stay tuned here so that I can give you class assignments from my website. You will receive an email from your homeroom teacher at Gladstone. Please reply to that email! 

We want to come together as a learning community again. I hope that you have the resources around you to be safe, to be fed, sheltered, to be at peace and to be connected with those who  love and care for you. 

If you need to contact anyone at the school, such as a counsellor or staff member,  and you are not sure how to do that, please send me an email and I will try to connect you.  

Blessings from home

Ms. Ng