

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Fruit and Flower lab

I am giving you a handout which is like a  colouring book showing the structures of flowers, leaves and fruit.  It is from the "Botany Colouring Book", a resource for university level botany courses.

Use this as a reference.

Go into the school garden and find the following specimens.  Bring them back for dissection and observation under the dissecting microscope.
Draw each specimen.  2 marks
Identify the flower type and label the parts.  2 marks
Write one interesting observation you notice  1 mark

 Each drawing should be at least a half page.  You should have three specimens.  If you cannot find the flower, show me a pic from the internet that shows the same kind of flower.

Use a blank paper to draw your observations.

1.  Find a small HEAD type of flower  (simlar to a sunflower)  It ought to have a disk flower and ray flower within the head.  Observations:  Count the disc flowers in your specimen.  What is the advantage of this kind of flower?

2. a.  Find a SPIKE type of flower
    b.   Find an UMBEL TYPE of flower
3.  Find a BASIC FLOWER.  Is it hypogynous, perigynous or epigynous?  Draw it and label its parts

CONTENT:  YOU COMPLETED THE ASSIGNMENT    15 MARKS  (5 marks per question)
you answered all the questions with care and you discover something interesting/

CARE IS TAKEN IN DRAWING and observing   out of 5
6/5   you make exceptional,  careful drawings with clean lines.  It is beautifully done and neat, it's in colour.  This stands out.  Bonus marks
4-5/5   you make exceptional careful drawings. This is beautifully done and neat
2-3/5   your drawings are complete and neat
1/5      you needed more time as your drawings seem a bit rushed and incomplete.


For each specimen, draw it and label its parts.  Write a few sentences that describe its role in angiosperm reproduction. Each drawing should be at least half a page and neatly drawn, in colour.

draw three seed specimens 15 marks:  Which of these are dicots and which are monocots?  How do you know? Label the parts.
soybean sprout
corn kernel
carton of coconut milk

20 marks Fruit specimens: Draw 4 specimens 5 marks each Classify these according to your colouring book

find one more fruit  OR seed specimen in the school garden 5 marks

CARE IS TAKEN IN DRAWING and observing   out of 5

6/5   you make exceptional,  careful drawings with clean lines.  It is beautifully done and neat, it's in colour.  This stands out.  Bonus marks
4-5/5   you make exceptional careful drawings. This is beautifully done and neat
2-3/5   your drawings are complete and neat
1/5      you needed more time as your drawings seem a bit rushed and incomplete.

CONTENT:  YOU COMPLETED THE ASSIGNMENT    15 MARKS  (5 marks per question)
you answered all the questions with care and you discover something interesting/

total:  20 marks