

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Plant Evolution lab part 2: Gymnosperms and Angiosperms

 Today you will continue with the  Plant evolution lab activity .  You can finish up drawing the mosses and ferns while observing underneath the dissecting microscope.  


1. Go into the school garden and retrieve the following materials:  Small conifer branch with its cones. (cones might be on the ground under the conifer)

2.  Pick a flower where you can actually see the pollen.  (be careful!  if you are allergic to pollen, then get your lab partner to handle it and also use the gloves which are located in the back room.

3.  Your teacher will look for petri dishes (the teacher can perhaps ask Mr. Ho across the hall) so you can examine the specimens under the dissecting microscope. 

ASSIGNMENT:  Take a picture of the following and upload each as an image on TEAMS.

1.  Answer the questions in the booklet.  You can answer the questions on the Conifer section by referring to the notes included in the lab activity.  For example, the questions on page 11 can be answered by looking at the notes on page 7.   Also page 13 asks questions about wood.  

2.  make a half page clear and coloured drawing of

a. a gymnosperm branch and its cone

b. a flower, including ovule, stamen

c.  A view of the flower under the microscope

d.  There is a piece of wood located in the class near the windows.  Draw this and label the annual rings.  Estimate the age of the tree when it was cut down. (count the rings!)


22-25 marks :  you make slow careful drawings that are IN COLOUR. the drawing of each specimen takes half a page. You label any structures you find!  And take note of any animals you find (any bugs?) Your drawings show excellence and care. It is brilliant in how artistic it is.  You upload pages 9 and 10 of your plant evolution activity and the answers are in complete sentences.

18-21 marks:  you make drawings that are beautiful!  These are really amazing artistic drawings.  You did not label the structures in the drawings.  You upload pages 9 and 10 of your plant evolution activity and the answers are in complete sentences.

12-16 marks:  These are beautiful drawings and it is a good start.  You need a bit more time to make this complete.  You did not upload pages 9 and 10.

0-11 marks:  While this is a wonderful start with very beautiful drawings, it is incomplete.