

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


Review these protozoa notes   

Observe samples of Protozoa

1. Draw the sample, using a petri dish to draw the circle
2.  Label the magnification
3. Point to any features on your field of view and label what you see.
4. Identify your sample and write  some notes in point form on life history.
5.  Draw carefully with attention to detail, use pencil crayons.


45-50. Your drawings are carefully done and your labels are accurate.  You did correct identification and your assignment stands out for being thorough and beautifully done 

35-44.   Your drawings are carefully done and your labels are accurate.  You did correct identification.  Excellent, colourful and creatively done. 

15-35.  Your drawings are very well done. There are some missing parts to the assignment. It is not in colour. 

0-14.     You started the assignment